A few years back I found this to be unwatchable but viewing it again and seeing it not so much as a porno but as a 'roughie' and this time able to appreciate the sleazy streetscape backcloth, this doesn't seem so bad. It is over ambitious but is surprisingly convincing at times, even if it is still difficult to watch, here and there. Zebedy Colt is disturbing and his baby like gibbering as he coerces people to f*** does not endear one to him. It has to be said though that when he is chased out of a subway, instead of roaring off down the street he pauses to grab a sexy looking girl and take her into some storage area shrieking, 'It's all your fault', we fear we are witness to something horribly believable. Harry Reems does well in the central role, C J Laing gives a spirited performance, the black couple do well and Zebedy Colt