Like taosphilnm, I was also an extra in the film. I was then the assistant innkeeper at the Holiday Inn in Taos, where the crew stayed. I got to know a few of them, and was asked if I wanted to be an extra one day.
If you know the area, they really mixed up the locales, but it worked well for the film.
This was a fun movie with many TV actors working on their hiatus. Don't expect high drama, but it can give some moments of entertainment and suspense.
Linda Howard and Alex Cord both did fine jobs in their acting roles, and it was fun seeing Michael Parks in another motorcycle role.
If you know the area, they really mixed up the locales, but it worked well for the film.
This was a fun movie with many TV actors working on their hiatus. Don't expect high drama, but it can give some moments of entertainment and suspense.
Linda Howard and Alex Cord both did fine jobs in their acting roles, and it was fun seeing Michael Parks in another motorcycle role.