Review of Mrs. Brown

Mrs. Brown (1997)
Top notch all the way
31 March 2009
Dame Judi Dench is "Mrs. Brown" - that is, Queen Victoria, and Billy Connolly is John Brown in this 1997 film, based on fact, of Queen Victoria's relationship with a Scottsman, John Brown, who becomes her servant. The excellent script is by Jeremy Brock and the director is John Maddon, who does a wonderful job.

The widowed, deeply grieving Queen Victoria has basically retired from public life when John Brown, who served her late husband, appears on the scene to help draw her out. Each day, he stands outside with her horse, even though she refuses to ride. Eventually she rides again, and also takes walks. Attracted to his lack of formality, the Queen becomes extremely fond of Brown, making him the object of jealousy at court.

Both the stars are magnificent in their roles, and the atmosphere and costumes are perfect. Dame Judi Dench is a queen who is deeply aware of her position and protocol, but also is a vulnerable, sad woman, guilty that her newfound friendship is betraying her husband's memory. One can see her being drawn out slowly by John Brown, and finally enjoying the deep friendship. Connolly is great - tough, uncompromising, and fiercely protective of his Queen, though he realizes after a point that she needs to return to public life.

In history, John Brown and Queen Victoria were suspected of being more than friends, thus the name "Mrs. Brown," and in a diary was found the report of a deathbed claim by Rev. Norman Macleod, that he presided over Queen Victoria's marriage to John Brown. This really hasn't been proved, but the Queen was buried with a lock of Brown's hair, his photo, and his mother's wedding ring, as well as Prince Albert's robe. Most historians feel it was only a friendship and point out that after Brown's death, she became close to an Indian servant in much the same way. She obviously needed a confidant after her husband died.

The cinematography is breathtaking. A truly beautiful film, highly recommended.
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