Very bad for Russia
25 April 2009
For the Russian audience, this film is perceived not only as went a parody of the story Strugatsky brothers, but also wipe over by the audience. Strugatsky very complex philosophical authors, not all their ideas were relevant fact, the more you want it careful cost to such material, and even more so not to make tragedy in the farce.

Game actors and staging the film in the amount of leaves much to be desired. The only that makes sense to set off - it sounds and special effects. Still, for $ 37 million could have been done better.

We need to just keep in mind that this is not a separate proekt.

The first film was blatantly political. Given circumstances prevailing at the time of his release, he was very negative received by the audience. For this reason, the second part, some political tone was subdued, though that is not reflected in the general mood paintings. Despite strong advertising campaign in media and public support, we can say that the amount of the project has fallen short of its expectations, neither as a commercial enterprise, or as promotional material.
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