It was not a comedy
31 May 2009
Is it any good? Yeah, but in an average way. It is all about finding yourself when caught between the pressures of "you have to be something" and "you don't have to be anything". Frankly, I wanted to see Fairuza Balk again when I got the film, but she only plays a marginal role and then she is gone.

Is it a pot movie? No. The marijuana farming is just a side story, one that I thought was a bit unfortunate for the film. I am not against it, I just don't think it had much to do with the subject of the movie.

Bottom line: it has a nice idea, but it was a poorly constructed film. I couldn't relate with any of the characters and the emotional conflicts depicted were totally unconvincing. Since it was clearly a low budget film, I expected more in terms of plot cohesion and character depth.
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