I consider myself a fan of dragons which is what attracted me to watching this film in the beginning. But from almost the beginning it was clear that the special effects were completely unrealistic. The dragons well i cannot find a word strong enough to explain how poor they look and how unbelievable unreal.
Not only were the special effects poor but the acting is as well. The whole movie just screams low budget. The battle scenes are terrible you see people getting cut with swords but at no point do you actually see any blood. At one point after a battle everyone basically gets up and runs away. Its over dramatic at all the wrong points and some of the backing music is really played at the wrong times.
I do not consider myself to be harsh i have honestly never been so disappointed in a film. I will not be recommending it to anyone and i feel the need to in fact warn people before they waste time or heaven forbid money actually watching it
Not only were the special effects poor but the acting is as well. The whole movie just screams low budget. The battle scenes are terrible you see people getting cut with swords but at no point do you actually see any blood. At one point after a battle everyone basically gets up and runs away. Its over dramatic at all the wrong points and some of the backing music is really played at the wrong times.
I do not consider myself to be harsh i have honestly never been so disappointed in a film. I will not be recommending it to anyone and i feel the need to in fact warn people before they waste time or heaven forbid money actually watching it