Okay, I admit it. I'm partial to THE WAITER. One can easily conclude that the only other comment posted about this early film by the multi award winning creator, writer, producer, director, Doug Ellin; is they're a total Easi Morales fan. That's cool. I totally am as well, and I wish him great success on his new series, Caprica. But I have to point out that the earlier reviewer so overlooked the amazing performances of a pre-FRIENDS David Schwimmer as Evil Waiter, or a pre-TWO AND HALF MEN, Jon Cry as Tommy Kazdan, and that their statements are just, well wrong. To have nearly fifteen incredibly talented stars perform very funny cameos in a film that is homage to the industry was pure genius, and a total pleasure to experience first hand. That's because everyone wanted to appear in this film, including Easi Moralas. Why? Because they felt is was a great script. I'm posting this review, not because I'm a fan of good entertainment, but for those fans that like to see some of their favorite stars perform in a classic film that became a bright spot of their careers.