I have yet to see an adaptation of Wuthering Heights that portrays Heathcliff as the nasty piece of work that he is. He is NOT a romantic hero, not even the Byronic type. And I have yet to see an adaptation that doesn't idiotically compress or ignore the second HALF of the novel, proving that the adapters either DON'T GET IT or are blatantly playing to commercial interests (you'd know for sure H isn't a romantic hero if you saw him abusing women and children, as he does in the second half of the novel). This particular adaptation is worse than most; among other transgressions, it includes a quite illogical sex scene (likely for commercial interests), illogical because part (and ONLY part) of the tension is about sexual frustration; if you've been making out in the heather, you're not frustrated. I always hope when it's a miniseries that at last we'll get a version that does full justice to the novel. Not this time, alas.