Flash of the Blade
4 July 2009
I write this review 5 minutes after watching the movie, because I'm not sure I'll remember much about it in a few hours except there was a chick with a katana. Aya is on the hunt for her sister (who helped killing their father) and Doctor Sugita who created hordes of zombies. Helped by another lady with a gun, they are mowing down the zombies and then face the above mentioned for revenge - nobody could come up with a more simple story line. It wouldn't be much for a manga you could read in 30 minutes, but it is very little to fill 90 minutes of a movie. No surprise it feels a bit stretched, some fights are lasting too long.

Fortunately, it looks really good at least. I liked the digitally enhanced flash of the blade which was very comic-strip like, the little (also digitally painted) blood drops on the camera lens, the well placed flashbacks and slow motion shots, such as the moment when the girl in the white dress is shot, you see the cloud of smoke - and then, already the zombies in the background come nearer. Due to its clever style, it's fun to watch once, but regrettably not the kind of cult flick you'd want to see again and again.
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