It is a great pity that the title was "Kinky Boots". I am sure that it led some people to expect soft porn so those who flocked to it for that reason were disappointed and those who stayed away for the same reason missed an excellent little film. it was never going to be a blockbuster but it should have had least the business that "THE FULL MONTY" had. I think it would have appealed to the same people. Ejiofor was great in this ,I have to say totally unexpected by me, But of course he is a good actor and has a complete range. Everyone shows up well in this piece and it was a real treat to watch something intelligent, well written and acted and an adult film in the best sense of the word.Perhaps it was a plea for tolerance, perhaps not, but it certainly must have had that affect on viewers with open minds. It was also a rather good education for struggling businesses. Try something new it shouts. Good stuff.