Upon winning the FilmMakers' Prize at Sundance '06 for the original draft of the screenplay, Kanji Nakajima continued to rewrite and hone his vision into a true masterpiece. This film absolutely blew me away. I loved nearly every frame of it. A thoughtful film about love, family, longing, and spirituality; Kanji truly weaves a compelling story around memory and consciousness. It absolutely bears resemblance to some of the classic works--Tarkovsky is often mentioned--but never to fault. The Clone Returns Home, to me, is the first great original science-fiction masterpiece of the last 20 years. It sits in great company with Solaris, Stalker, and 2001. The film moves at a slow, contemplative pace that will be difficult for some, but for a fan of the classics it simply doesn't get any better. Finally, I can't discuss the film without calling attention to Hideho Urata's gorgeous work behind the camera--absolutely stunning. I can't wait to see what these two do next.
Review of The Clone Returns Home
The Clone Returns Home
A masterful and incredibly thought-provoking science-fiction film.
18 January 2009