Malta Story (1953)
A Mix of Cinematic Journalism and Romantic Love
5 February 2009
Having just read "Tobruk" by Chester Wilmot, a journalist who spent time in the Tobruk siege and reported diligently about it, this piece informed me of another similar siege that I was unaware of. The use of archive footage is fascinating, mixed in with a simple story of love that feels lighter and without the moralising heaviness and embarrassing "post modern" pretensions of many modern day films ... especially war films. Very much a product of it's time ... they really don't make them like this anymore. Some of it feels like a War time moral raising film. I even thought it was made in the war until I found out the 1953 date. But memories were still strong in those days of course, so there is a flavour of a story burning to be told to the world before times move on.
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