Review of Red Sands

Red Sands (2009)
Exremely boring and predictable
24 February 2009
Before seeing this movie, I expected something better from the director of 'Dead Birds' which was a very decent movie (not breath-taking, but interesting and worth-seeing in the horror genre). I got disappointed very early on, but I continued to watch it, maybe hoping for an interesting turn or at least something that would compensate me for the 90 minutes spent seeing it. But it kept on going worse. OK, the story setting is good, a group of American soldiers stationed in the Afghanistan's desert waking up a djinn. That's all that was good. It could be a nice movie but the result was boring, dull, not at least frightening, and the end is totally predictable. The actors were rather mediocre, the dialogs poor, the characters stereotypical, the special effects very cheap, the attempt to describe the American view of the Muslim religion childish and lacking, and the overall plot had a lot of holes in it. With one word, boring. A waste of time, there must be hundreds of other movies in this category better than this one so do not waste any time on this.
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