When in New York....
1 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I think I'm the first American to comment on this film. I live in Den Haag and I picked up the DVD at Media Markt. I speak some Dutch and I'm interested in where Dutch film is going. The DVD cover has Kim van Kooten slung over Michiel Huisman's shoulder in NYC (my hometown) and it says "De Nederlandse Bioscoophit" and "Winner van 4 Gouden Kalveren" is on the back. I've heard of author Ronald Giphart and I've always wanted to see "Zusje", which never got much distribution back in the States. So here was my chance to have it all.

I agree with a lot of comments on here already. The film is too cutesy for its own good and Phileine's talking directly to the camera is the kind of device that's been used in American TV for at least the last 10 years, so it seems old and cliché. Yes, I thought the film was very sexy and it's too bad I'm not 16 years old anymore. I can see why van Kooten is something of a star, but her face is too mature and her bearing is too sophisticated to play a 20-something wild woman. I hope she's getting better roles than this one.

I haven't read the book, but the Phileine character is extremely unsympathetic. You don't really care if she's unhappy b/c she's such a bitch. She's just pushy and mean and it's hard to believe her heart is broken by Max's rejection. What kind of person screams in a theater during a play, or steals the stage at an AIDS benefit to send a message to her bf? Someone who is entirely too self-absorbed, that's who.

And so much for U.S.-Dutch relations. Phileine speaks a lot of Dutch when she's in New York, even in direct response to English conversation. The natives haven't spoken Dutch in Manhattan for a long time. I understand why this is in here, because the audience is mainly Dutch, but it comes off as very nasty. Maybe that's the point, I guess. I know a few mean and nasty Dutch girls and there is a certain charm. And yes, some American men can be assholes, but I don't think it's because they're American.

And for the filmmaker: If you have American characters, use American actors. I can hear a Dutch accent a mile away and it destroys the illusion. It happened about 10 times in this film it really put me off.

I guess I paid about €7 or so. I don't feel ripped off, but I need to watch the director's commentary to get my money's worth.

Thanks for putting English subtitles on this DVD!
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