Weird Science (1985)
Better in its own time...
2 March 2009
A couple of nerdy teenagers get the idea to use a computer to create a woman who will give in to their every whim. Little did they count on whims of her creating men out of them.

Kelly LeBrock's big break comes in this film and becomes every red blooded young man's fantasy, and her antics throughout this film are quite for its time, but computers have come a long way since then and with cloning...

All right! Enough of that. The bottom line is that this film was good for its time, and it's not bad now, but it has faded over the years and the only time I pull out the DVD is when I'm in the mood for some comedy from the 80's (but "The Breakfast Club" is a lot better). The interaction between the characters is not bad, and the chemistry is a bit intriguing.

7 out of 10 stars.
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