In a nutshell, Kerr Smith (as Steve Hillman) is accused of shooting the genitals off deputy Adrian Dorval (as Bo Cooper), after necking with the cop's abused girlfriend Angela Featherstone (as Amber). Accused ball-buster Smith, a young medical student, flees with party-minded pal Lochlyn Munro (as Patrick Fisher) from a stupid Oregon police force led by deputy Dorval's dad, Donnelly Rhodes. The corrupt chief of police wants revenge because son Dorval will not be able to reproduce without functioning genitalia. Director Richard Gale and editor Garry M.B. Smith make it look like "Pressure" amounts to something, and it's fun watching crusty Sheriff Rhodes in hot pursuit - but, the sophomoric story is dumber than it looks.
**** Pressure (2/20/02) Richard Gale ~ Kerr Smith, Lochlyn Munro, Donnelly Rhodes, Angela Featherstone
**** Pressure (2/20/02) Richard Gale ~ Kerr Smith, Lochlyn Munro, Donnelly Rhodes, Angela Featherstone