Dragon Ball GT (1996–1997)
Tries to be both "Dragonball" and "Dragonball Z", but fails to be as good as either.
18 October 2009
Still, it was a nice series, I do believe the main problems the show has are both rather easily fixed. Granted, it is to late to do that now. The first problem is the show needed more development. A good twenty episodes more could have helped this show immensely. That way some fights could have lasted longer, Vegeta could have had more face time and new characters explored a bit more. The other problem is the problems in the stories plot. These are not mistakes I am used to seeing in a Japanese animation, but rather the type found in American animation of the type found in a lot of the cartoon shows I watched in the 80's. Like they said let's forget about what happened here, and try this idea that does not fit in the universe anyway. However, complaints aside there is still a lot to enjoy about this series. It starts out like "Dragonball" with Goku being reduced to child form by black star dragonballs that for all purposes should not exist (see the plot problems complaint). These balls are scattered across the universe and Goku, his granddaughter Pan and Trunks must track them down or the earth will be destroyed. Why they pick Trunks is a mystery, I would have rather seen Vegeta tag along as seeing his and Goku's friendship continue to develop after the Z series would have been nice, not to mention Trunks is virtually a non factor once the fighting portion of the show begins with the battle between Goku and Baby. During the search portion of the series the adventures tend to be on the humorous side and sometimes the annoying side as you wonder why Goku and Trunks do not simply turn into super saiyans during some of their fights as that would have simplified things immensely. Once Baby enters the picture the show shifts to more of a "Dragonball Z" feel to it. Then Android 17 reenters the fray and finally there are numerous battles with what are called shadow dragons with the final battle against a rather tough foe called Omega Shenron. Piccolo is almost a no show through the whole series only really making a contribution in the short Super 17 saga. Vegeta was needed more too, but he really makes an impact during the final battle with Omega as he fuses with Goku and Gogeta is born, for like a half an episode (a place where another episode would have worked). All in all though the fighting once Goku begins his battle with Baby as a Super Saiyan 4 is nearly nonstop the rest of the way. Shame it had to end the way it did, I would have liked to seen more, however as the original creator had stopped doing anything Dragonball at this time it was time for this show to be laid to rest.
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