I have not read the novel... though I wouldn't rule out that I will, now... and thus I cannot make any comparisons, or rate the quality of this as an adaptation. It is not often that I watch Danish films, but I am glad I made this one of those occasions. This is well-directed, and genuinely emotionally affecting. It does not contain an ounce of sap. Instead, you get to care about the people, and you find yourself drawn in. This stars two of our greatest actors, and the rest of the cast are excellent, as well. Almost every single performance is spot-on, and the children are fine. Nørby and Helmuth are flawless. Having someone's son(or daughter) play them at a younger age is an obvious choice, and it works. Told largely in flashbacks and with a chronology that goes back and forth a lot, this is about a married couple's life together, right from when they first met. Character development is plentiful and well-done, and they are all credible, consistent and convincing. The music is fitting. This is well-paced, and nothing seems excessive or extraneous. There is not a lot of offensive material in this... some content is disturbing and unsettling. Kids aren't really the target audience here, however. I recommend this to anyone who enjoys the genre of drama. 8/10