I love DVD extras, as they often give great insight into the feature film and are a cinemaniac's must-see. However, I must say that this featurette and a very similar one included with THE BIG STEAL (both features were on this DVD) were both practically worthless. This is because they are so darn short--only about four minutes long. In addition, the interviews mostly give information that is already known or should be known to the viewer or consist of mostly the IMDb trivia for the films. There just aren't enough insights and listening to a few film fans say "the film is great" just doesn't warrant these extras to be seen or even made in the first place. In other words, it seems like they were quickly made and slapped onto the DVD to say "yes folks, we have extras!". Not worth your time.
Review of Illegal: Marked for Life
Illegal: Marked for Life
(2007 Video)
An unnecessary DVD extra that offers nothing for the film lover
31 October 2009