Will Ferrell is just an amazing actor. To take 8 years of American history on his shoulders in such a funny, awkward, shocking, detailed, eyes-opened, over-the-top, superb, state-of-the-art way is just a great pleasure to watch and a relief that the real life of Mr. Bush as a president is finally over. We just loved to watch Will doing George W. As a German viewer it increased my trust in America. I could not believe my eyes and ears that something like Will Ferrell did here would be ever possibly in USA. It is the second time the past years that my respect for America is back in order. The first time it hit me in a positive way that USA voted for a president (finally) who is black and open minded, and now for a second time Will Ferrell made it possible to understand and digest the live and times of the former president. After I have seen this show my hope for USA is full of best wishes and trust in the future. You're back on track....
You're Welcome America: A Final Night With George W. Bush
(2009 TV Special)
A Final "Fight" with George W Bush
5 November 2009