Quirky, fresh twist on an unconventional romance film
10 November 2009
The film Cilantro y Perejil is a good example of a film that has more to it than meets the eye. Although the film is full of clichés that could possibly happen throughout many people's lives, the way in which the film is presented has a funny twist to it that sets it apart from most of films about marriage and monogamy. In Cilantro y Perejil the main character's sister, Nora, is constantly interviewing people for a project, therefore making it a film within a film. She catches many moments that would not usually be in a typical romantic comedy that adds a very different element to the film.

Also, there is a psychiatrist in the film that throughout the scenes gives his commentary and professional advice about love, marriage and monogamy. His wording and personality add as a comic relief to the film and keep things interesting for the viewer. The director does a great job of making the viewer experience the same emotions as the characters through all of the down to earth and awkward situations that happen in day to day life.

The film is worth seeing for anyone who has a sense of humor and an interest in seeing the dynamics of a less than perfect marriage, and all that goes along with it.
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