30 Minute Meals (2001– )
Who CAN'T Cook a Meal in 30 Minutes......When
17 November 2009
I watched this cooking show for a few times before I wanted to pull my hair out. Just one question.....Who CAN'T cook a slapped together plain meal in 30 minutes when everything you need is at hand, already bagged, sometimes pre-chopped and you have very little else to do except chop a few greens. Also, almost every cooking show on TV is 30 minutes and most of these chefs do all of their prep work (except for Sandra Lee), during their show. Oh and yep....they do full meals too.

Love the comment by the guy who hated the "EVOO" comment. Add "DE-LISH" to my list of stupid tag words.

Then you have the obvious....a Loud, gregarious woman who is truly her own best audience. She laughs at her own lame comments, mugs too many times for the camera because she wants to convince us that she's as good as the thinks.

NO she ain't "the cutest thing." She's a 40-something year old woman who isn't DE-LISH.
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