This one bears up to repeated
28 November 2009
Unlike many people, I don't particularly like seeing movies more than once. Of course there are some exceptions, but I am not a person who usually sees a movie again and again--I find this very boring. However, there are several exceptions--and this movie probably heads the list. Unlike other films this one actually becomes better with repeated viewings--and it's great to see and hear the wonderful and silly lines again--especially when they are are friends and family there to see it and laugh along with you. Perfect writing (albeit, very, very cynical), wonderful acting, great attention to details (the 1940s look to the film is great--down to the boxes of soap and radio programs) and so many funny and sentimental moments make this a perennial favorite. If you haven't seen this then get out from under your rock and see it! If you don't like it, then think about getting psychiatric help! No sane person could hate this wonderful film.
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