I loved this series when it was first transmitted and recently reacquainted myself with the series on DVD. Is it still worth watching?
First of all, this Dick Turpin is presented as an adventurer, friend of the poor, chivalrous to women, the voice of wisdom to his young sidekick Swiftnick.
Impeccably cast, Richard O'Sullivan has a whale of a time as the highwayman, and is hugely entertaining to watch. Michael Deeks (whatever happened to him?) is endearingly dumb as Swiftnick, while Christopher Benjamin is the blustering baddie, although more of a Lestrade than a Moriarty to O'Sullivan's Holmes!
The prints currently available on DVD really are awful though for a series which is less than thirty years old; this aside, if you are in the mood for some boy's own adventure, this is the series to watch. Enjoy.
First of all, this Dick Turpin is presented as an adventurer, friend of the poor, chivalrous to women, the voice of wisdom to his young sidekick Swiftnick.
Impeccably cast, Richard O'Sullivan has a whale of a time as the highwayman, and is hugely entertaining to watch. Michael Deeks (whatever happened to him?) is endearingly dumb as Swiftnick, while Christopher Benjamin is the blustering baddie, although more of a Lestrade than a Moriarty to O'Sullivan's Holmes!
The prints currently available on DVD really are awful though for a series which is less than thirty years old; this aside, if you are in the mood for some boy's own adventure, this is the series to watch. Enjoy.