Oh man.....I just read someone's positive review of this abomination, and I'm not the least bit surprised it came from Canada. (where the film was made) No doubt still laughing their way to the bank because suckers like me rent this drivel. This film blackens radiation level buttons. I have no doubt that if you turned on the Beatles White Album, drank a bottle of wine, put this movie on, and then did a crossword puzzle or something, this film could be entertaining. What is anyone's name in this movie? Detective Porhowski? Why should we care or identify with this woman if we don't know her name? No character development means I am actually rooting for her to get vacuumed up by the crazy demon...or the invisible tooth lady that snuggles people to death. Man, was this bad.... What is the damn deal with the parking garage...of death? I will give slight props to the janitor/parking lot guy, his acting is a clinic on acting from the eyebrows you cannot miss!! But what the hell were these people thinking? The most interesting part of the story is the historical link with the nun's exorcism that we see in the beginning, then is ignored, save one line in the middle, until the post-climax 25 minutes of sloppy wrap-up with a character and her dad that we don't give a crap about anyway....Bottom line, SAVE YOURSELF....RUN FROM THIS MOVIE!!!