This film was shown as part of the NFT season featuring B films of the 50s and 60s as a companion piece to the recently published book on the subject.There has not been one clinker in the 8 films which were shown to packed audiences.According to the programme notes this film did not achieve a circuit release because it could not easily be pigeon holed into one category.Essentially it is about 3 men competing to become the new director of a small engineering company.We see the contrasting work and home life of the three candidates.Donald Pleasance is the lead.The cast is full of well known TV faces such as Harry H Corbett and William Franklyn and that immortal radio comedienne Betty(Round The Horne)MarsdenGiven that the film was made in the early 60s it is extremely frank about sex.The ending is ironic and rather sad.If it is ever released on DVD i would certainly recommend it.