You don't have to be a fan of the Beatles to enjoy this film. I'm a huge fan and already knew the story, but my friend didn't and we both found it extraordinary. I've disliked almost every film about the Beatles - mostly because they're so clichéd and focus on them finding fame. This is not about the Bealtes - it is a movie about a young man reuniting with his mother. The young boy just happens to be John Lennon.
Aaron Johnson is perfectly cast as John Lennon - he may not like like Lennon, but who cares. His performance is near perfect, playing Lennon as brittle, lost, crass, sweet, caring and charismatic - much like the man himself. Kristen Scott-Thomas portrays Aunt Mimi with such aplomb that it's hard not to love Mimi despite her cool exterior and inability to openly show her emotions. Ann Maree Duff plays Lennon's mother with a complexity of spirit and if you know the lyrical references in Lennon's songs to Julia, then you will love her performance all the more.
And those is minor roles also excel. Thomas Sangster as Paul McCartney (again he doesn't look remotely like Paul - again who cares) is simply excellent. The film portrays the early relationship between Paul and John. John teaching Paul not to be such a sop and Paul teaching John to be more controlled. One of the most moving scenes is when the two men embrace at Julia's funeral - a bond between two boys who both lost their mothers. The film implies that although the two deeply respected each other - it was never a truly easy relationship. Sangster lights up the screen whenever he appears.
If you are expecting a movie about the Beatles - this is not it. This is a film about relationships between mothers and sons, sisters and friends. If you like your movies complex and intricately written - then this is for you.
Aaron Johnson is perfectly cast as John Lennon - he may not like like Lennon, but who cares. His performance is near perfect, playing Lennon as brittle, lost, crass, sweet, caring and charismatic - much like the man himself. Kristen Scott-Thomas portrays Aunt Mimi with such aplomb that it's hard not to love Mimi despite her cool exterior and inability to openly show her emotions. Ann Maree Duff plays Lennon's mother with a complexity of spirit and if you know the lyrical references in Lennon's songs to Julia, then you will love her performance all the more.
And those is minor roles also excel. Thomas Sangster as Paul McCartney (again he doesn't look remotely like Paul - again who cares) is simply excellent. The film portrays the early relationship between Paul and John. John teaching Paul not to be such a sop and Paul teaching John to be more controlled. One of the most moving scenes is when the two men embrace at Julia's funeral - a bond between two boys who both lost their mothers. The film implies that although the two deeply respected each other - it was never a truly easy relationship. Sangster lights up the screen whenever he appears.
If you are expecting a movie about the Beatles - this is not it. This is a film about relationships between mothers and sons, sisters and friends. If you like your movies complex and intricately written - then this is for you.