The Marine 2 (2009 Video)
Below the original
4 January 2010
The original "Marine" movie didn't exactly set the box office on fire, but it must have done well overseas and on DVD, since we now have this sequel (though this time around it went direct-to-DVD). I thought the first "Marine" was passable, so I was curious about this entry.

For a straight-to-DVD movie, the production values do beat most movies that fall in this category. However, throughout there are ample signs of budget constraints, where spectacle or just plain extra stuff seems missing.

The characters were mostly disappointing. Michael Rooker gives a good performance, but he's not in much of the movie. Ted DiBiase may not be the worst actor ever, but he is VERY unemotional and bland. The actors playing the chief villains are colorless, unlike Alan Rickman in "Die Hard" (which this movie rips off.) The lack of passion goes into the action sequences as well. Seldom did I feel any excitement watching any of the action. Little seems to have been done to pump up the action.

Whatever you thought of the first "Marine" movie, you'll regard this entry several notches below the original.
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