Stargate Universe (2009–2011)
it's not Atlantis... thank god
15 January 2010
Thank you SciFi for breathing new life to the Stargate franchise. The Atlantis spin-off was the peak of Stargate absurdity. The Stargate series were the typical 1990s science fiction series having mono-dimensional characters, absurd and shallow story... SGU finally brings Stargate in the 21st century.

The thing that I find most entertaining is the fact that there is no good or bad tag imprinted on the forehead of every character in the show... finally the characters have some depth! Some users complained through their reviews about the lack of space battles and the "abundance" of sex scenes. For me this represents an improvement because the characters are not neutered, as were the ones from the older Stargate shows. They, now, lack the childish perfection of Daniel Jackson or Jack O'Neil, but for the first time, they have depth and complexity.

Finally I must say that the soundtrack is amazing giving the show extra flavor.

For now the show is on a good track, hopefully the second season will continue on it.
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