While being deployed overseas, humor, sarcasm, and what some may deem "childish behavior" kept my fellow Marines and I sane. While some people may view the individuals in the movie to be joking around or making fun of certain situations, I see it as these people trying to survive mentally while in a seriously stressful situation. If you haven't been over there, please don't criticize a veteran for the way he or she may act or have acted in this documentary. Take this movie for what it is. A documentary film maker most likely does NOT have the ability to cure the country of Iraq's problems in a 2 hour film, so don't expect to see it happen. A Soldier's joking nature is not a slap in the face to anyone's culture, so don't think it is. It may be his/her way of coping with anxiety. If you're offended by my comments, you can thank my fellow Veterans in providing my right to freedom of speech. You're welcome.