I'm a huge Jane Russell fan was eager to see this, one of her earlier works. Aside from her, the movie is a total waste of film stock.
This is a sub-standard pot boiler that tries to hard to clutch at your heart strings. Bad writing and shallow acting are pretty much par through the whole movie. Especially annoying are the "buddy" parts played by Marie Wilson and Norman Lloyd. Neither is able to move beyond the stock cardboard characters they are given. And truth be told, they don't seem to try all that hard.
Fortunately, director Edwin Marin had the good sense to focus on Jane Russell and keep her costars screen time to a minimum. And Lee Garmes cinematography shows what a world class beauty she was.
This is a sub-standard pot boiler that tries to hard to clutch at your heart strings. Bad writing and shallow acting are pretty much par through the whole movie. Especially annoying are the "buddy" parts played by Marie Wilson and Norman Lloyd. Neither is able to move beyond the stock cardboard characters they are given. And truth be told, they don't seem to try all that hard.
Fortunately, director Edwin Marin had the good sense to focus on Jane Russell and keep her costars screen time to a minimum. And Lee Garmes cinematography shows what a world class beauty she was.