Fabulous Martha Chapin!
25 July 2009
I had never heard the name of actress Martha Chapin until I saw her in this dark, moody little gem that was included in the Mill Creek boxed set of exploitation flicks--an absolute must for any fans of these long forgotten grind house classics.

Chapin plays Mae, the frustrated and gorgeous young wife of a doctor who doesn't make enough dough for her dreams of illicit happiness.

Chapin is truly amazing--looking even more sultry, sexy and earthy than her much bigger cohort, Jean Harlow. Clad in clinging white satin gowns, with platinum hair, a low, musical voice, Chapin mesmerizes in her grim role of a housewife gone bad. In one astonishing scene, she meets her pimp in a dingy, darkly lit bedroom. She proceeds to strip naked although all you see are her clothes and undergarments hitting the floor. Then the camera moves into a huge close-up of Chapin's face. While her lover is doing something off camera to her, Chapin registers orgasmic joy.

If she had worked for one of the major studios, Martha Chapin could have been one of the great. You're left wondering whatever happened to her and where did she come from?
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