When Patrick and Angie back out of the bar they had trouble in,they show the Front of the bar we hung in. It is called Cataloni's. If you look they show an alley that runs between the bar and the building next door. There are a set of stairs that lead up to the Strand theater. Also you can see St.Kevins church and school. My wife's whole family went there and I got married there. This is the second time I have seen this location used in a TV/Movie. I saw it years ago during a "Spencer for hire" episode. Of course when Robert Urich crosses the street he does not cross Hancock street where the bar is but he ends up on Washington street in Roxbury.I always get a kick out of stuff like this. You could tell someone from the Boston area made this film. They got most of the little things right like the accents,locations and such. In the Book Patrick and Angie's office was in the Tower of the old St.Margeret's church. This must not have been possible to shoot or I am sure they would have left this in. Just a great,great film. Highly recommended.