When I started watching this series I was instantly taken by the sweetness, seriousness and interesting lives of the kids' characters. A refreshing change from other WB series' characters with little substance to offer viewers. Indeed, how could the WB not have closed the series with resolutions? "Young Americans" is my favorite WB series other than "Dawson's Creek" (very different story lines). A thread that interests me is the intriguing possibilities of the Senator due to how he spent his Rawley years. Mrs. Krudski's 'looks' continue to make me wonder every time Will mentions the nice man who let him drive the neat car in the Parking Lot. Might she have also dated the good Senator? Will (beautifully & sensitively played by Rodney Scott, a young actor with THE most perfect face, ever, and a sensitivity and intelligence which makes me feel angry toward his father for his seeming disinterest in his own incredible son), to me, is the most interesting character as he is the glue that brings everyone around him, together - might he ever resolve his differences at home with Dad? Can winning, confident and handsome Scout ever be completely sure of his father (The Senator), again? The Senator seems like a nice man who may have had a youthful indiscretion! Will Bella, perfectly played by Kate Bosworth, ever find the illusive answer to her biological question? Her mother's abandonment has been tough on her (and stepfather, Charlie.) Small a role as Charlie the mechanic has, I like him immensely for the love and respect he shows Bella, his adopted step-daughter! Will Jacqueline (Jake) reveal her 'Rawley' identity to her mother? Will Hamilton's parents resolve their differences? Mother and Finn, well, excuse me! Etc., etc., etc. I feel that the WB made a HUGE mistake not continuing the series wounding me severely when they canceled it! It might easily have lasted several seasons for its intelligent writing, directing and acting. Steven Antin, what wonderful writing you usually do - though, nothing comes up to the concept of YA. Since, it was cancelled, perhaps, one fine day, you'll be able to get the same actors to play the same roles some years into their futures. All of us who love these characters and story would be right there to see what happened to them, to a person! So many characters including: Will's best childhood friend, also, interested in Bella, Sean; and Finn, who, also, hails from New Rawley - the town. WB, please, put the 8 episodes out on DVD!!! Also, perhaps one day you'll divulge WHY you canceled it??? The truth! Numerous International fans are interested!!!