Tight Suspense, Imaginative Story
21 May 2010
Sometimes hilarious, often harrowing, Jer3miah is a wonderful treat. Its creators get an absolute bang out of their buck.

Jared Shores turns in a solid, empathetic performance as the eponymous Jeremiah, a 21st-century Everyman who gets thrown into a web of suspense and intrigue. Supernatural elements are balanced nicely with the story of a college student whose friends and allies will do whatever they can to aid his unlikely quest.

The supporting cast does a terrific job of portraying undergraduate hi-jinks and politics. Any college alumnus or alumnae will find echoes of at least one roommate or acquaintance in the widely varied group depicted.

Director/creator Jeff Parkin is a genius at making a low budget work wonders. Jer3miah's story unfolds well enough to make fancy effects and grander settings unnecessary.
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