I heard nothing but great things about Book of Lore before I saw it (not that I always listen to reviews because I don't) and I could tell by the enthusiasm surrounding the movie that I was onto something special.
I would describe Book of Lore as a mystery-horror or even mystery-horror-thriller (!!) with some decent comedy courtesy of the 'best friend' character - a hybrid indie flick if you will! I really enjoyed a lot of this movie, AJ Hyde was perfect as the lead, he very believably conveys the plight of a teenager whose girlfriend is brutally murdered and who also lives in a town full of deep dark secrets. To say anymore would give away this movies main appeal which is unlocking the mysteries of the fictional town of 'Latonsville' as you go along - suffice to say the town was once plagued by a rash of child disappearances and now the many myths spelled out in the titular book is causing havoc among the residents. Hows do these events all tie together? You will just have to watch and find out! Book of Lore is smart, funny, creepy, engaging and very very well made for such a low budget feature - Chris LaMartina and Jimmy George clearly know their stuff and if the previews of their upcoming 'Presidents day' is anything to go by then things are just set to get even better.
My only gripe? A female is killed around half way in and I'm pretty sure the myth attached to her death isn't really made clear like it is with the others - would have been nice to know what the story was for that scene but its a REALLY minor gripe.
I would describe Book of Lore as a mystery-horror or even mystery-horror-thriller (!!) with some decent comedy courtesy of the 'best friend' character - a hybrid indie flick if you will! I really enjoyed a lot of this movie, AJ Hyde was perfect as the lead, he very believably conveys the plight of a teenager whose girlfriend is brutally murdered and who also lives in a town full of deep dark secrets. To say anymore would give away this movies main appeal which is unlocking the mysteries of the fictional town of 'Latonsville' as you go along - suffice to say the town was once plagued by a rash of child disappearances and now the many myths spelled out in the titular book is causing havoc among the residents. Hows do these events all tie together? You will just have to watch and find out! Book of Lore is smart, funny, creepy, engaging and very very well made for such a low budget feature - Chris LaMartina and Jimmy George clearly know their stuff and if the previews of their upcoming 'Presidents day' is anything to go by then things are just set to get even better.
My only gripe? A female is killed around half way in and I'm pretty sure the myth attached to her death isn't really made clear like it is with the others - would have been nice to know what the story was for that scene but its a REALLY minor gripe.