Very Funny Short from Plympton
3 June 2010
Surprise Cinema (1999)

*** (out of 4)

Classic Plympton short probably could have been a little funnier but we still get some hilarious stuff. The film is a spoof of Candid Camera but instead of funny stuff we see our people put through acts of sexual violence and pain. The vignettes include a man whose wife is replaced with an octopus, a toilet replaced with an alligator and another man whose electric razor is replaced with a chainsaw. Yes, you could argue these people would see what was about to happen before they did it but this is just a comedy and not meant to be taken serious. The film has some extremely funny moments with one of the highlights being the sex with the octopus. Other classic bits include the alligator/toilet scene as well as another one involving a pair of glasses. The film doesn't have the wild imagination of some of the director's other works but that doesn't hurt the film too bad as the dark, gory humor still gets plenty of laughs so fans will certainly want to check this one out.
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