Manages to be spooky and entertaining all at once!
16 July 2010
For me, Transylvania 6-5000 is one of the better 1960s Bugs Bunny cartoons, because it is just so clever, managing to both spooky and entertaining sometimes at once too. The story is a clever one, and sets the atmosphere flawlessly. The animation is deliciously dark and edgy, and the backgrounds and characters are all drawn brilliantly. The music is excellent, creepy and quirky as I expected. There is some funny dialogue, but even better were the sight gags. I honestly lost count at how much I laughed at the sight gags alone. Bugs is great as he nearly always is, while the supporting characters are also very well done, and the voice work from all involved especially from Mel Blanc, with honourable mention to Ben Frommer who is brilliant as the Count, is spot-on. Overall, spooky and entertaining, just brilliant. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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