I first saw this amazing series midway through the season in 1995. It is now 2010. It was hard to keep up with the storyline then, now I know it was CBS who really screwed this one up, and I have never been able to catch it again in re-runs anywhere since. It has always been in the back of my mind "what ever happened to such a tremendous and dynamic show"? especially seeing as how there is more than enough crap on TV as it is. I thought maybe it was Gary who got greedy and wanted more money until I realized that that isn't the Gary Cole I know of. A man with such great talent and range who can go right from playing uncannily familiar Mike Brady to the best character you love to hate Sheriff Lucas Buck, he would know when he has another hit on his hands. I finally learned here by reading the comments that it was another CBS idiot who lost out on what is now a cult classic. It has taken me up to today to find the show in a watchable format again with my Netflix account. Sadly I could only watch 15 out of the 22 episodes online. I promise you this though. I am not much of a collector of DVD's but this series I am going to buy the set. In my humble TV and Movie viewing opinion American Gothic is the best written, finely produced, intimately intriguing story and of course excellently acted Television Program I have ever watched. And I watch a lot, mostly crap. To the entire cast and crew, Well Done and Thank You.