Summer School (2006)
So much potential...
23 July 2010
This could have been a really great film, the story had such potential. The overall plot seemed a little repetitive in the beginning but by the end, I was thoroughly engaged. And when I thought I knew the ending, it was something else. The individual stories were, for the most part, pretty good.

But, alas, there was a downfall. Or two. And they came in the form of the special effects and the acting. The effects were so incredibly cheesy. And don't get me wrong. I enjoy B-movie effects as much as the next guy, but these were just bad. For example towards the end of the film, the main character stabs his friend with a simple pocketknife, probably no more than 2 or 3 inches. And his half of his intestines some how fall out. The acting wasn't awful but it wasn't great either. There were moments when it was fairly believable and times when it was, just, strange.

In the end, this movie had the potential be an excellent film. But it ended up just being another B-movie.
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