Peepli [Live] (2010)
Foul mouthed Truisms and Suave lies.
18 August 2010
Contrary to my gut feeling Peepli Live wasn't too bad a movie to catch , especially when you are looking for entertainment in it's more rudimentary form.

Minimalist in her approach, The director of this movie has proved beyond a doubt that melodrama and reality are two very different and hardly reconcilable things. Bare naked in it's projection of Indian Villages, the movie is what Khosla K Ghosla was to the middle class. In fact one feels nauseatic watching those ridiculous 80's 90's flicks where village folk were depicted as specimens from a high end fancy dress exhibition. With damsels wearing mutlicoloured , skimpy clothes and men wearing hideous outfits bearing no similarity whatsoever with the actual village attires.

Peepli on the other hand treats everything as it is. The movie is devoid of glamour, any glamour. Which means the movie , given it's theme, is good.

There are no subplots which drag the viewer away into romantic liaisons. No sugary silver linings here.

The entire cast fits in well with the theme and also makes us wonder as to how can all those Khans, Kapoors , Khannas call themselves actors .I mean the actors in the movie didn't give away anything.

The script however was ridden with too many profanities for comfort. The movie could have done without them as well . But that's creative freedom and also gave some folks in the theatre something to cheer about.

The movie is good.
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