This Oscar nominated short animation is about an American city composed of logos, that gets destroyed in a chaos of man-made and natural disasters.
"Logorama" may be viewed as innovative and entertaining as it incorporates so many brands and logos in the film. it may help to connect with the viewers as people and backgrounds are already familiar. However, I argue that "Logorama" could be a vehicle marketing, serving to advertise hundreds of brands in a space of 16 minutes. Most of the logos are on the screen for no apparent reason, and adds no storyline or depth to the plot. The logos are there just for the sake of being there. The inundation of unsubtle product placement and in your face advertising makes me wonder whether artistic merits are still prevalent in the short. I am hesitant to praise this short in a positive manner.
"Logorama" may be viewed as innovative and entertaining as it incorporates so many brands and logos in the film. it may help to connect with the viewers as people and backgrounds are already familiar. However, I argue that "Logorama" could be a vehicle marketing, serving to advertise hundreds of brands in a space of 16 minutes. Most of the logos are on the screen for no apparent reason, and adds no storyline or depth to the plot. The logos are there just for the sake of being there. The inundation of unsubtle product placement and in your face advertising makes me wonder whether artistic merits are still prevalent in the short. I am hesitant to praise this short in a positive manner.