Sankarialokas (1955)
Writer in the army
17 February 2010
Esko Sirola is a young record shop seller who wants to be a writer.He has just finished his first book, "Myyjän Kunnia" and is ready to marry his girl, Sirkka.But her colonel father doesn't approve him, a man who hasn't even done the army.So there he goes then.Now he can become the new Väinö Linna and write his Tuntematon Sotilas.Esko has a big imagination and pictures himself as a heroic man of the French Foreign Legion, Tom Smith or the seaman Tim MacDonald in a submarine.This is Fennada-Filmi's fourth military farce they made in the years 1952-1958.The basis of this movie seems to be in humorist James Thurber's 1939 short story The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, where the main character wants to be a writer and pictures himself in all kinds of situations.Lasse Pöysti handles his role of the writing recruit with style.He makes a terrific writer in real life as well, which all comes out in his autobiography I am just reading.Tuulikki Suomela is wonderful as his girl Sirkka Sotavaara.Pentti Irjala is fantastic as her father.Jussi Jurkka is terrific as the tough Korpraali Nilsson.The great comedian Leo Jokela does his first big role as the gypsy soldier Leo Lindblom, and he does a brilliant job.And so does Marjatta Kallio as his gypsy girl Veera.Great job by Kai Lappalainen, who plays Antti Ojala.Esko Saros, the father of the singer Riki Sorsa, does great job in his sole movie role as Yliluutnantti von Klingspor.Aimo Hiltunen plays Alokas.Pentti Viljanen plays Varusylikersantti.Sylva Rossi is Sotilaskotisisar.Mirjam Himberg plays Arabinainen.Her husband Juhani Kumpulainen plays Arabialainen.Seppo Kolehmainen is Jääkäri.Jaakko Pakkasvirta is Alokas.And so is Matti Kuusla.Spede Pasanen is Corporal/Recruit/Arab.Director Tarkas is seen in the movie.Also Sakari Jurkka should be seen somewhere in the movie, if his scenes weren't deleted.This isn't the best military farce I've seen, but it has its moments.It's quite amusing when Esko goes to ask his girlfriend's father for her hand and he says how he has strength in his hands.So Colonel Sotavaara and Esko end up arm wrestling, and Esko loses- both times.And of course the lesson of this film is nice.The protagonist seems to be living only in his dreams.But in the end he realizes he can be a hero in real life also, not only in the fantasies.
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