Punky Brewster is a strange little show. Sure it is the typical kid moves in with a person or persons. Usually it is a long lost parent like in "Silver Spoons", some other relative like an aunt or something, or in the strange case of "Different Strokes" an employer. This one has a little girl who calls herself Punky living by herself in a vacant apartment. Well she is soon discovered and starts living with the elderly old curmudgeon and begins to melt away the ice around his heart. Of course that is how it would go, I would not be much of a television show had he sent her away to live in an orphanage where she in turn escaped and begin a life of crime. Well that may have made for an interesting show, but it would have to be one of those shows that HBO or Showtime puts out. Well the girl makes friends and tries to teach the kids at home valuable lessons such as do not go in abandoned refrigerators. Granted that lesson is rather pointless today as any child who can not escape today's magnet fridges is probably special and should never be left alone. She also teaches the importance of not going into old caves with your friends otherwise they end up looking horribly stupid saying "Punky" in a sinister voice while fighting strange glitter men. Okay, so the lessons are rather lame for the most part. The show had some good episodes to it though as there is an excellent story arc of her getting adopted by some evil rich woman and her put upon husband, but there are lots of stupid episodes too. It is also kind of funny that the guy playing the curmudgeon is also the head of the police academy in "Police Acdemy", the one that got the special surprise under the podium.