Brotherhood (2009)
Brilliant performances in a movie far better than I had expected
8 April 2010
The strength of this movie definitely lies with the brilliant actors in it and the director's ability to let them shine.

I didn't expect the story and the plot to be perfect and it wasn't. The main character Lars' decision to get involved with the Nazi community is a tiny bit contrived but no more than you would expect when it is told with a few short scenes before the movie is allowed to focus on the human aspects of the story and dwell on the consequences of the character's action without being judgmental or painting any of the characters solely in black or white. Something that is rather a bit of an achievement with this particular subject matter. Enough good cannot be said of the amazingly honest and heart-wrenching performances of the two lead actors. They are both incredibly talented and the director obviously appreciated this. The result is a chilling but also a very intimate and at times tender film. Well worth seeing.
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