Misogynist Film of the Moment: In the Company of Men 3 11 2009
I just watched one of the worst movies ever. I share my opinion only because I want you to watch it as well and see if you relate or if you are repulsed. Some of you might've seen it before. The title sounded familiar and its for that reason that I let the movie take my evening away from me. There was an award given to the filmmaker. It was released in 1997. I usually don't blast movies because they are supposed to leave you in a mood. The director and writer don't do a good job of portraying the comedy to this dark comedy though, and as a result it comes off as a serious film, and leaves a bad taste in the viewers mouth. Do not let your girlfriends watch this movie. It will only add to the man hate already happening. This is fuel to the fire. That said, if you do watch it, try to figure out which of the two guys you are more like, Chad or Howard, and get back at me.
I might have to start a new column where I share these discoveries with you. This is an insult to misogynists everywhere. Not approved.
In The Company Of Men
----Ryan Mega sexdrugsmoney.com
I just watched one of the worst movies ever. I share my opinion only because I want you to watch it as well and see if you relate or if you are repulsed. Some of you might've seen it before. The title sounded familiar and its for that reason that I let the movie take my evening away from me. There was an award given to the filmmaker. It was released in 1997. I usually don't blast movies because they are supposed to leave you in a mood. The director and writer don't do a good job of portraying the comedy to this dark comedy though, and as a result it comes off as a serious film, and leaves a bad taste in the viewers mouth. Do not let your girlfriends watch this movie. It will only add to the man hate already happening. This is fuel to the fire. That said, if you do watch it, try to figure out which of the two guys you are more like, Chad or Howard, and get back at me.
I might have to start a new column where I share these discoveries with you. This is an insult to misogynists everywhere. Not approved.
In The Company Of Men
----Ryan Mega sexdrugsmoney.com