Mama's Boy (2007)
Not a comedy, not a drama. Still is entertaining.
10 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a good surprise. The humor is clever although the plot is dramatic.

Sure, it's not a comedy 100% but when the plot is about a 29 year old man who acts like a kid then you can't expect to to take it seriously.

Anna Faris is a doll! I love her. Jon Hedder is a good actor and delivers an interesting performance. Jeff Daniels is as good as always. Diane Keaton is great also! Don't expect this one to be a feel good movie. Expect it to make you reflex about your mother and how sometimes she sacrifices her own life for yours.

I won't watch it a second time because it's nothing special or anything. Deserves a chance though.
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