Review of Jacked Up

Jacked Up (2001)
Honestly the Worst Movie I have Ever Seen
24 August 2010
I've seen Steven Segals action force (look it up) and at the time, thought that movies could not get worse. That was until I saw Jacked Up. Yes, it is a B-Grade movie but that is no excuse for this dribble. After watching it I had an almost uncontrollable urge to take my life whilst simultaneously defecating on my television.

I cannot even begin to elaborate on how atrocious this film is. What astounds me even more than how this was ever created; is how many favourable reviews there are here for it. I can only assume that these people have some kind of involvement or vested interest in this abomination.

Please, listen to me. This movie will steal a piece of your soul, it will make you lose hope in humanity and quite possibly turn you off the idea of ever renting a DVD on whim, ever again. And don't be confused, this isn't one of those 'its so bads its good movies' - this is bad, very very bad. It should be removed from every store, home, film archive / wherever and destroyed. This is not a movie that should be in circulation where it is accessible to the general population. This movie is threat to your pyshical and mental health. STAY AWAY.
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