Thank you Monsieur Lelouch!
France and the U.S.A. are my "homelands", but when I watch Monsieur Lelouche's films, I am proud of being....simply human.
In my humble opinion, his films have a rare profoundness that makes them transcend beyond all standards of culture, figures of style....they dig deeply into the core of the human soul.
I am no film critic; my appreciations do not concern the technical aspect of his films, I will leave this ungrateful task to others, those who earn a living in a way I am glad I don't.
I will just say that a film by Lelouch encompasses much more than film making techniques and effects. A film by Lelouch is Poetry, Music, History accounts and travels of many kinds: travels in time, places and, most of all, within our soul.
This film is a beautifully scorching experience. It hurts to be human.
One key word comes to mind : Love: the catalyst of Life. Love of every form and degree.
The full array of human emotions are always present in Monsieur Lelouche's films. The seemingly "evil" in us, the "worst" in humanity can be transformed.
Often unnoticed details, short moments, may very well have a powerful impact on a person's destiny.
Life in cycles, the great story that never ends.
We come to this world and...
...we love, we hate, we suffer, we doubt, we hope, we despair, we sin, we forgive, we win, we lose, we learn, we love again...
as the great Tennyson wrote : " 'tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all"
I would like to thank Monsieur Lelouch for being who he is: a great poet!
The world is so fortunate to have him....
Thank you Monsieur Lelouch!
France and the U.S.A. are my "homelands", but when I watch Monsieur Lelouche's films, I am proud of being....simply human.
In my humble opinion, his films have a rare profoundness that makes them transcend beyond all standards of culture, figures of style....they dig deeply into the core of the human soul.
I am no film critic; my appreciations do not concern the technical aspect of his films, I will leave this ungrateful task to others, those who earn a living in a way I am glad I don't.
I will just say that a film by Lelouch encompasses much more than film making techniques and effects. A film by Lelouch is Poetry, Music, History accounts and travels of many kinds: travels in time, places and, most of all, within our soul.
This film is a beautifully scorching experience. It hurts to be human.
One key word comes to mind : Love: the catalyst of Life. Love of every form and degree.
The full array of human emotions are always present in Monsieur Lelouche's films. The seemingly "evil" in us, the "worst" in humanity can be transformed.
Often unnoticed details, short moments, may very well have a powerful impact on a person's destiny.
Life in cycles, the great story that never ends.
We come to this world and...
...we love, we hate, we suffer, we doubt, we hope, we despair, we sin, we forgive, we win, we lose, we learn, we love again...
as the great Tennyson wrote : " 'tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all"
I would like to thank Monsieur Lelouch for being who he is: a great poet!
The world is so fortunate to have him....