Comedy show for mindless idiots.
1 October 2010
Probably the worst show ever to be broadcast on BBC 3 (and that is saying something!). 'Lee Nelson's Well Good Show' as it is ironically titled, is a mish mash of poorly put together 'comedy' sketches, and audience interaction, led by 'happy-go-lucky chav' Lee Nelson - apparently Simon Brodkin's finest character.

This show is aimed at a young demographic, but lacks the maturity to appeal to even the most brain dead and humourless. However this evidently is not the case and for some godforsaken reason this programme has been recommissioned for a second series which is due to be screened in 2011. How anyone would wish to sit through another 7 episodes of this is beyond me, however given BBC 3's reputation for consistently poor new programming it was perhaps inevitable.
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